Team development

Team development sessions informed by Hogan Psychometric Assessments

At the heart of our team development sessions lies the power of Hogan Assessments. Why do we choose Hogan? Because Hogan assessments are more than just personality profiles; they are a testament to three decades of rigorous scientific research. These assessments are trusted worldwide for their reliability and validity in predicting workplace performance.

Our Hogan assessments provide a comprehensive view of personality, uncovering strengths, weaknesses, and values/motivations. With normative data for comparisons and usability in multiple languages, they are a global standard for understanding human behaviour in the workplace.

Here's what makes Hogan Assessments unique

Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)

This assesses the bright side of personality, offering insights into how people perform and lead effectively.

Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI)

MVPI identifies personal values and motives, helping define ideal job types and corporate cultures.

Hogan Development Survey (HDS)

HDS assesses the dark side of personality, identifying characteristics that could derail success, allowing us to proactively address performance risks.  

And there's more!

Our Hogan Team report takes individual assessment scores and transforms them into a powerful tool for team development. With it, you'll gain a deep understanding of the values and biases that shape team behaviour, discover the unique roles that team members play, and uncover behaviours that could hinder performance under pressure.  

But it doesn't stop there. We dive deep into each team member's unique personality, recognising how each individual contributes to team performance. Even high-performing teams can face challenges, from infighting to apathy. That's why teams and leaders must work together to identify and correct potential fractures before they hinder performance. Hogan’s Team report is the key to facilitating this process, ensuring your team thrives.  

Why Nicole Williams Organisational Psychology?

Our sessions are facilitated by Nicole Williams, a Chartered Occupational Psychologist and Hogan certified psychometric test facilitator. Nicole is not just a practitioner; she's an expert who can provide a profound interpretation of assessment results. She knows how to help your Operational Team or Senior Leadership Team understand the nuances of their scores and what they mean for their behaviour, thinking, and emotions.  

As a psychologist, Nicole brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. She can guide the team, both as individuals and as a team, to develop a plan that leverages their strengths and addresses areas of weakness. Plus, she offers additional resources and support whenever needed, ensuring lasting positive changes.  

Our Hogan Team Report Workshop

Our Hogan Team Report workshop is designed for face-to-face interaction, providing a unique opportunity to evaluate team dynamics with reference to Hogan assessment results. In these sessions, team members gain a deeper understanding of each other as individuals and explore how their personalities collectively impact team performance.  

The Hogan Team Report serves as the centrepiece for evaluating and analysing your team's attributes and performance capabilities. We incorporate exercises and team discussions to uncover significant strengths, address challenges, and devise an improved and productive teamwork strategy. 

We aim to help your team reach new heights of understanding, cooperation & performance.

Contact us today to learn more about how to embark on this transformative journey