Hogan Assessments & Feedback, delivered by an Occupational Psychologist

NWOP: Expert Hogan Psychometric Test Facilitators in the UK

Hogan certified

At NWOP, we specialise in delivering Hogan assessments in the UK, with services led by Nicole Williams, a Chartered Occupational & Coaching Psychologist. Nicole's expertise in Hogan psychometric behavioural assessments ensures that individuals and teams receive comprehensive, insightful feedback on their personality traits.

Why Choose Hogan Psychometric Testing with NWOP?

Expert Interpretation by a Chartered Psychologist: 

Nicole Williams' extensive training and experience in Hogan psychometric testing mean that she can provide expert analysis of assessment results. She helps clients understand the nuances of their Hogan psychometric behavioural assessments, making sense of their scores in terms of behaviour, thinking, and emotions.

Comprehensive Personality Insights

Hogan assessments are based on over 30 years of scientific research, making them reliable and valid measures of personality. They are designed to predict workplace performance, offering a thorough understanding of strengths, weaknesses, and values/motivations. The assessments include:

  • Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI): Assesses the bright side of personality, focusing on performance and leadership qualities.
  • Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI): Identifies personal values and motives, helping define ideal job roles and corporate cultures.
  • Hogan Development Survey (HDS): Examines the dark side of personality, highlighting characteristics that could derail success.

Individual Hogan Assessments and Feedback

NWOP offers tailored Hogan psychometric testing for individuals aimed at career development, leadership enhancement, and recruitment processes. The process includes:

  1. Online Hogan Assessments: Individuals complete the HPI, MVPI, and HDS assessments online.
  2. Personalised Reports: Three detailed Hogan reports are generated for each individual.
  3. Bespoke Combined Report: A customised report synthesising themes from all three assessments, including recommended development actions.
  4. Feedback Session: A one-hour session with Nicole Williams to explore and interpret results, fostering self-awareness and development. This session can be conducted virtually via MS Teams or face-to-face (UK).

Team Reports and Feedback Workshops

For teams, NWOP offers comprehensive Hogan psychometric behavioural assessments that provide valuable insights into team dynamics. Our process includes:

  1. Individual Assessments, reports and feedbacks: Each team member completes the Hogan assessments and receives individual reports and feedbacks.
  2. Team Report: Combines individual scores to create an overall team profile, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, and potential fracture lines.
  3. Feedback Workshop: A 3.5-hour interactive session led by Nicole Williams, designed to enhance team understanding and performance through Hogan data analysis and team activities.

"As a newly formed senior leadership team the insight that working with Nicole has provided has been invaluable for individual team members and the team as a whole. The Hogan personality profiles have enabled senior leaders to be strategic in planning next steps while opening up an honest dialogue of how we approach implementation and accountability as a team. The one to one and group sessions led by Nicole successfully supplemented leaders understanding and learning, allowing rapid and longer term reflections to take place.The process has supported our team in further developing a culture of honesty, trust and professional dialogue. We have already planned for our work with Nicole to continue moving forward"

Simon Ward, Headteacher, Kingsway Park High School

Hogan Certified Psychometric Facilitator, Chartered Occupational Psychologist & Chartered Coaching Psychologist

Nicole Williams, BSc, MSc, CPsychol

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Discover how Hogan psychometric behavioural assessments can transform your personal or team performance